Anonymous - My First Kiss

Anonymous - My First Kiss

Anonymous   i was raised in a hyper-strict religious environment that prohibited any physical contact before marriage, including holdi...
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Balwinder Singh - My First Kiss

Balwinder Singh - My First Kiss

Balwinder Singh  :  s he shivered like anything It was meant to be a special day -- I was with my parents at my prospective in-l...
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Anonymous - My First Kiss

Anonymous - My First Kiss

 Anonymous :  memorable night of my life It was the time of my summer vacations. I was at home, in Delhi. I had a huge crush on a gi...
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Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Anonymous(girl) - My First Kiss

Anonymous :some may say this was not my first kiss

When I was young kiss chase was all the rage and me and my friends took great pleasure kissing boys and running away.

I know now it seems strange that boys would not want to be kissed but you have to remember that cooties are taken very seriously before we grew up and learnt there was a lot more things to be afraid of.

So the boys acted like they did not want to be kissed (although the wrong girl may have been true) and we continued to kiss them and run for pure entertainment except in my case there was one boy I did secretly like but would have never breathed a word. I always had my eyes on him, I loved him as much as a young girl can conceive to love a boy when they're both around 7 years old.

One afternoon after school when there were only few left, we were playing on the field with a significant slope up to the fence, far from the school building. I was in my blue and white checkered dress, the most beautiful summers day waiting for my mum's car to appear through the fence on the road outside.

I can't remember what game we were playing but it wasn't kiss chase, perhaps bulldog or sticky toffee. I ran up to the very top of the slope and lay on my back breathless from running, eyes closed, shielding from the blinding sun.

And then he kissed me. Only a peck, on the lips, but that second felt like eternity and when I opened my eyes to see it was him, pure joy was in my heart.

He liked me back. We were always horrible to each other but here he was risking cooties. 

In a flash he pushed himself up having been covering me holding himself above where I lay and ran grinning. I naturally pretended to be outraged and went to chase him and tell him off. I didn't catch him and soon my mum had arrived.

I know some may say this was not my first kiss but for me it was the first that held any significance in my life and sealed my belief that me and him should be soulmates and together forever.

 Kiss 5

Share your stories

Hi viewers,
                I am kalapana kumar from chennai . I am very glad that you are interested in sharing your love experiences . Please send it to the mail id which i mentioned below .Even Love Poems are Welcomed :)

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1.No need for perfect english 

                grammer and spelling mistakes will be edited      :)

2.Privacy - You can specify it with the mail whether i need to mention your name or not in the post . 

3.maximum 300 lines. #if it exceeded i will be very much happy :)

i will post your story with in 2 days , Thank you :)

Monday, 28 April 2014

Lauren - Our Love Story

                         Lauren  : English Wife Indian Life

I became a member of a vegetarian forum in December 2012. I didn’t ever ‘chat’ to strangers online, it was something I found odd and unnecessary at the time, but within a couple of minutes of browsing the site another user started a conversation with me. Usually I would completely ignore this, but for some unknown reason this time I replied.

Instantly my heart started to beat faster and we were discussing everything about our lives in detail. It just felt as if we had known each other since the beginning of time. It was unbelievable how intense this conversation with this faceless person typing to me was. ‘This must be a past life connection!’ I thought to myself, and just as it crossed my mind he said ‘we must have known each other in previous lives’. These moments of synchronicity continued, it was as if we could read each other’s minds. It was so miraculous and I couldn’t believe it. I felt so blessed to have found him, it felt as if a divine light had been shone over my entire life. I loved him so much, in an indescribable way but I hadn’t even met him yet.

I would have just caught the next train to wherever he was but this was made complicated by the fact he was in New Jersey and I was in England. Originally from India he had gone to America to gain his masters degree. We soon started to imagine our a life together and how amazing it would be to never have to feel a distance between us. I was finishing my master’s degree and he was now working after completing his but within just a week of chatting he had asked me to marry him. One week after that had quit his job and booked a flight back to India so he could tell his parents about me, the flight was via London.

The day finally came and I was waiting in Heathrow arrivals, looking at the arrivals board and overwhelmingly excited. When I saw him I was filled with happiness, I can still see the picture in my mind of him coming through those arrival doors. He was absolute perfection. We had ten beautiful hours together before he had to catch his connecting flight to Mumbai. We took the underground to central London and walked around the city, seeing the sights and talking all night. We seemed to be the only people in the whole of London that night. Those hours past so in a heartbeat and soon it was time for us to separate. I cried hysterically when it was time to go and I could feel my heart telling me to never let go of him.

I took my final exams and situations in my life turned sour. Life was really hard during the months after Heathrow but one person kept me going throughout. I had booked a flight and now it was my turn to catch that flight to Mumbai. In June 2013 we were reunited  and were married one week later. India instantaneously felt like home, probably because home is where the heart is…

True love has no boundaries and is always worth fighting for.

source from :

Sunday, 27 April 2014

My first kiss

My love story

Ramya Part 2 -Our Love Story

Previous Part Life 3 part 1 

Ramya Viswanathan : Life 3 Part 2

"hey , you used to kiss me during my childhood , do you remember"  //i thought that depicts he is loving me 

 //i said
"no , you only kissed me, i never kissed you"   //LOL

and the end of the conversation he asked could we go outside tomorrow , i said ok .

Actually we know that we both was loving , but did't propose yet.

That was Sunday.He came by 9 o clock in the morning to my hostel to pick me up.We went to one  hotel then park , then beach . He never told the thing what i expected from him .At last i came back to my hostel .We were standing outside the entrance of the hostel . the time was almost 10 . Nobody out there . He told me

"i forgot to tell something "

"what " 

" it's a secret "

"secret ???  , ok , go ahead" //i looked down and smiled 

/// he came near to my ear and said slowlyyy

"i love you "  

i got goose bumps , i looked to at him .Then he hugged me .I hugged him tightly .Then he kissed me in my head Then I kissed him in the #censored :P .Wow that was my first kiss . // dont count my childhood kisses :)

. That was romantic. Then i went to hostel  .That night  I slept only one hour . The next day laughed at my face in the mirror and i closed my face with my hand .I thought these things will only happen in movies.It taken me some 4 days to become normal.

Then he finished his college and got a job. We loved for 5 years .We did't tell anything to our parents .They came to know from my cousin sister .For them that was not a shock . They said they expected this would happen (predictable love). So we did't have any problems . We Happily married .Now i am having 2 kids . 

I married a perfect husband . He understands my feelings . We rarely fight each other . He respects me. 
Still we are feeling young .Those days are still my best memories . We remind those days and laugh. 

Ramya part 1 - Our Love Story

      Ramya viswanathan : Still my Best memories  

         He(now my husband) is actually my cousin . In india it's normal to marry cousins. So we know each other from our childhood . We used to play a lot in our childhood. He is 2 and half years elder than me . But when we grown up we stopped even speaking each other .I am having a childhood picture , in that we both would kiss each other .

We lived in different cities . I can only see him only in our local festival that held once in a year in my village . But i never spoke with him during my teenage.


 Years passed . I joined a college in chennai.After i came to know he too studying in chennai . During my 2nd year  i accidentally saw him at another college in a  technical workshop  as a student .Actually he was guy teaching for that workshop. I was stunned and never listened what he is speaking. I was almost flattered in the first sight .Because he was really handsome and smart that time. He saw me too and laughed . The next one hour i never listened anything. He often looked at me like teaching things :D . Then worst thing happened . He pointed out me and asked (that was a prank)

"Is this workshop helpful and can you tell me what are all the things that you learned  ??? "
//my friends confused that why he is asking this question to this me

(OMG , that's it) . For a second i was wordless and after wards i managed to tell something , somethings unrelated for what he lectured. My friends laughed .

Then my friends asked me do i know him before .I told he was my cousin. // AGAIN THEY LAUGHED 

After that workshop he approached me and said sorry for that question . i looked him suspiciously .

we spoke a few things then he asked "can we eat something " . I said ok and the things started . 
He asked my number
Dropped me in my hostel through his bike .

That night all the time i was thinking about him. My friends trolled me over and over by linking with him.I expected a message from him .Yes, that happened at 11.43 pm  :) . I got thrilled and friends told don't get jealous and reply him in the next morning . I thought that was stupid idea and replied him only after 5 minits .  We spoke upto 4 o clock.That was one of my beautiful day in my life.

things were went like that for some 3 weeks .we spoke and messaged daily .One day he sent a message..............

              continuation : Life 3 part 2

Friday, 25 April 2014

Ranjini - Our Love Story

       Ranjini Thankappan :True love is a real blessing!

Sanjay is a Maharashtrian born and raised in Amravati (in Maharashtra). I am a Malayali born in Thrissur and raised in Nagpur.

We met when I first joined the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNV) in Amravati in 1994 in Class 11.

He was notorious for his mischief and I was one of the toppers in our class.

It was only after 18 months or so after I was admitted, that we first spoke to each other, quite by chance and became friends.

JNV being a residential school, we had a lot of opportunities to meet and talk.

My teachers and friends got worried about my scores in board exams after this distraction.

Later some of Sanjay's good friends told me that he was in love with me.

They advised me to stay away, study well and score good marks.

A relationship or marriage was next to impossible for us.

I could understand that we were more than just friends but I kept a distance did not meet him or talk much.

By the time our board exams got over and my parents came to take me home, I did not realise that I also had feelings for him.

Yet I left the campus without saying a word to him.

The school authorities had informed my parents about my friendship with him.

Back home my mother had a close eye on me and watched my every move.

I somehow managed to post a letter telling him, to forget about this friendship and move on.

After school I joined Engineering College in Nagpur and moved to the college girls hostel.

Some three months into the college, Sanjay turns up at the hostel with flowers and chocolates.

I was surprised and shocked to see him.

He told me he could not forget this friendship and asked me to be in touch.

He had joined a medical college in Kolhapur.

We may be the last generation to have written letters.

In those letters we talked about our families.

I learnt that his father was primary school teacher and his mother, a homemaker.

His family depended on farming.

He learnt that my father was an engineer and my mother, a principal of a JNV school.

There was a huge socio-economic and cultural difference in our families.

By the end of our first year in graduation, we confessed our feelings for each other.

And I told him that he has to convince my parents to marry me.

Life had been roller-coaster ride since then.

It took eight years for us to convince our parents.

Finally got we got married in 2005.

It was a south Indian engagement in Thrissur and a Maharashtrian wedding at Amravati.

After nine years of marriage we are blessed with a five-year-old daughter and two-year-old son.

I feel blessed to have Sanjay in my life.

His family is wonderful and they adore me.

I won their hearts and Sanjay is the responsible son-in-law.

He is a vegetarian, likes Avial and Sambar more than phiki dal.

I am a non-vegetarian, now loves dal chaval, and aloo bhatte ki sabji and roti.

We are now settled in Chennai.

I work as a software engineer, and Sanjay is a diabetologist.

The best part of our relationship is that we liked each other when we were nobody.

And we managed to stay together and committed through thick and thin.

True love is a real blessing!

Source from :

Aruna Rani - Our Love Story

             Aruna Rani :Each day I am thanking God :)
                     (Pondichery TN)
I have to go back to 1999 (10 years ago). The big day was November 20, when I first met my guy Suhas in front of my hostel. I came to known him through my friends. He was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans. Sitting on his Splendor motorbike, wearing goggles, the very first line he said was, "Hi. I am Suhas". I was in my first year of engineering (Mysore) and he was doing his PMD (Mysore was his hometown). Destiny had brought me all the way from Pondicherry (TN) to meet this lovely guy.

Our first meet was very nice. We both were nervous at the start and later got to know each other. After 2 hours of a long walk in a nearby park we bid farewell for the day. I felt a bit disturbed in my sleep that night, because he was the first guy with whom I had spent so much time in my life. The next day he met me with a friendship card, telling me he felt like giving it to me. I went into shock, but felt happy in my heart. Every evening we used to spend at least 1 hour together. During those times, I found his company good. I started to like his style, way of speaking, caring...I wanted to propose to him, but felt scared and didn't tell him.

One fine day his friends came and asked me how I felt about Suhas. I gave them positive comments about him. The next day Suhas came to me and asked me to suggest some ways to propose a girl. I felt so bad, tears started to fill my eyes. Thinking I was not lucky to get him, I suggested a few ways that I knew and with big disappointment in my heart, I went to my hostel crying.

The next day he called and told me that he wanted to meet me. When I went to meet him I had the surprise of my life. He proposed to me just the way I had told him the previous day. I felt like jumping and wanted to hug him, but I controlled myself. I felt so happy. That happiest and memorable day was December 15.

After waiting for 9 long years and facing so many difficult circumstances in our lives (convincing both the parents), we got married on March 13, 2009, with our parents' blessings.

I am very happy to celebrate this Valentine's Day with my husband who was and is my lover, friend and well-wisher. He is the one and only love of my life. Each day I thank God for making our love story a grand success.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Anonymous - My First Kiss


 i was raised in a hyper-strict religious environment that prohibited any physical contact before marriage, including holding hands, kissing, etc. and so was my boyfriend. We were both college students (at a strict college that didn't allow kissing, lol) when we slipped out behind the church building for a kissing session that was both of our first. :)

The first, as in very first kiss, in a word was unexpected. I didn't know that he was going to kiss me - I suspected it but was not sure and too shy to look up at him. So when I finally did look up, he kissed me hard and fast! It was breathtaking in every sense of the word. I thought that it would be awkward for two inexperienced kissers, but we figured it out pretty fast. :P I'll spare you any more details....but yeah, my first kiss was awesome and I look forward to a lot more with the same guy.

We were in high school! I had asked her out about two-three weeks back and she said yes.
I went to meet her near her house.We were roaming around having fun,having a little us time.We did so for about an hours and it was getting a little late . So it was time for me to drop her at her place and go to my home.On reaching near her place we decided to have a walk on a deserted road just 2-3 blocks away from her home . The naughty kid that i was(i think i still am) i suddenly thought of scheme to kiss her. I told her that i wanted to tell you something, it was a very big secret and something very serious and thus had to be whispered into the ear. I bent forward,whispered "I LOVE YOU" , kissed her on her cheek and ran as fast as I could. :P :P About 5 minutes later i received a text from her saying "I LOVE YOU tooo" .A week later she kissed me at the same place.

Ah!!Those days!! Innocence of youth!! I wouldn't even dream to do that now.I sometimes miss the old me. But yeah we become mature and all over time!!

Balwinder Singh - My First Kiss

Balwinder Singh she shivered like anything

It was meant to be a special day -- I was with my parents at my prospective in-laws' home in another town, looking to arrange my marriage.
After all the talks were through, a delicious lunch was prepared for us.
It was at this time that my father gave the signal and I found myself sitting in another room alone with my fiance. Being very homely, she was rather nervous. I was to present her with a special gift I bought for her, so I asked her to close her eyes. That's when I thought that I should surprise her with a kiss, but her nervousness had got me nervous too -- I thought that she may cry out or shout in fear, so I was afraid!
Still, with all the courage I could muster, I planted a gentle kiss on her soft rose petal lips. As expected, she shivered like anything and I...felt like I had just escaped a heart attack!
This was how our first kiss happened and that was a special day, still fresh in our minds.

 Part 3                                                         Part 5                                                        

Anonymous - My First Kiss

 Anonymous : memorable night of my life

It was the time of my summer vacations. I was at home, in Delhi. I had a huge crush on a girl who lived on the floor just above mine. We were (and still are) good friends. On the last night before the day I was to depart back to Kanpur for the next semester, I mustered up the courage and told her on whatsapp that I liked her. The time was around midnight. 

To my surprise, she said that she has liked me for months! I couldn't resist not meeting her at that very moment. But as I said before, my parents are very conservative, and so are her parents. So it was very risky to sneak out in the middle of the night and meet. But I was leaving the next day, and I had to meet her! So we took the risk.

So we waited for a couple of hours (the wait seemed too long at that time). Now completely certain that our parents were asleep, we sneaked out of our houses. We met at the stairs going from my floor to hers.

We talked for a few minutes. But she was very afraid that her parents might wake up. Her dad is very strict. In fact, I was more afraid of her dad waking up than I was of my dad waking up. So after a few minutes, we decided to go back to our homes.

I suddenly realized that it might be a very long time before we meet again (as she was also leaving soon to a different city for her studies). I asked her for a hug atleast, and she complied, hugging me so tightly that it was undoubtedly the best hug that I have ever got. I could feel her love for me in that hug. I kissed her. I kissed her hard, and she kissed me back. It was a very passionate kiss, and it lasted for around 5 minutes. It was my first kiss. And it was her first kiss as well. Then we went back to our homes. I couldn't sleep that night. It was the best night of my life, and I still think a lot about her.

It has been 1 year to that night. We haven't been able to meet after that as our holidays don't clash. We both don't believe in long-distance relationships. We still text each other now and then, and are good friends. I think we've both moved on now (atleast that's what I keep telling myself). I doubt I'll be able to control myself if I meet her again though.

To the girl: if you are reading this, thank you for giving me the most memorable night of my life

   Part 2                                                          Part 4

TAGS : First Kiss India, First Kiss in girls Life India, First kiss Experience India , Love Experiences India, Romantic kisses , Romantic Stories India,


Monday, 21 April 2014

Sunil - My First Kiss Experience

Sunil B : NOW WHAT ! 
It was a special day for me, as my girlfriend and I were supposed to celebrate Valentine's together, but we arranged to celebrate the next day -- actually, she arranged everything.

The next day I took a half-day from work and we both went to a play -- she had booked the tickets for us. After the drama was over, we stepped into the lobby at Thakre Natagrugh in Borivali. We sat in the passage, in one corner. After some time everybody left; it was 7 pm and getting darker.

She said that she wanted to give me something. I said "Now what?" and then she gave me my first kiss. Nothing in the world can explain that. I was shocked for some time and replied with another kiss. I still remember it was the sweetest moment of my life, I will never forget it. She was the first love of my life.

Source :

 karol : IT WAS MAGICAL !

as February 12, 2010, a week after my boyfriend and I started 

going out. I knew him very well at the time already, but I still got those wild butterflies in my stomach whenever I was around him. I felt nervous every time he held my hand or gave me hug. My friend even tried giving him advice that I had no experience with kissing, but he said he was willing to wait for when I was ready :)Anyway, it was after school when he held my hand (still got those butterflies, since he was also the first guy to hold my hand) and took me to a more private spot after school. My boyfriend was acting weird at the time, and that made me feel even more nervous. I kept thinking to myself, "is he gonna break up with me already?!" and "what's wrong??" We just stood there, as he anxiously looked around.I started blabbering about random stuff because his silence was making me panic, and I didn't want him to be bored around me. In the middle of my random chatting and questions, however (which my chattering didn't even make sense, I had no idea what I was saying) he says he wanted to do something. That's when the idea entered my mind. I didn't know how it was possible for me to be even more nervous than I already was.He got closer to me.

I felt my heartbeat starting to race. I whispered, "I'm nervous.." Then, he told me to close my eyes. I hesitated at first. I've never kissed a guy before, so I didn't exactly know how to. But I still closed my eyes anyway, butterflies tingling in my stomach.As he leaned down, it seemed like one of those wonderful moments when it felt like time was dragging on. It only happened in a second, but I felt everything. He leaned down (he's several inches taller) to me, my eyes were closed, and I felt his lips on mine, soft and sweet. My heart was beating faster than I've ever felt it before, and it was pumping really hard in my chest; I was almost certain he could feel it.By the end of the kiss, he gave me the sweetest hug ever. I softly said, "That was my first kiss" and he said "Aww" because it was definitely one of those aww moments.

For the rest of that day, I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. February 12, 2010 felt like the happiest day of my life. And even today, every time my boyfriend kisses me, I still feel those amazing butterflies. I'm so thankful for him and for that memorable first kiss :)It was no less than magical, perfect

Part 1                                                        Part 3

Source :

TAGS : First Kiss India, First Kiss in girls Life India, First kiss Experience India , Love Experiences India, Romantic kisses , Romantic Stories India,

Vijubala - My first kiss

Tags : First Kiss India, First Kiss in girls Life India, First kiss Experience India , Love Experiences India, Romantic kisses , Romantic Stories India,

lalitha :  At last we married 
Yes it's very true. I still remembered my days. While I was talking to my boyfriend he held my hand and kissed.I still remembered till today even though it has been 7 years. Now he's my husband & we been married for three years and blessed with a son

devyani : Special one in my life
I was at a camp in school and we had gone to Mahabaleshwar, and we were sitting out and talking the whole night, and at around 4 a.m. he leaned over as i was talking and kissed me. it's been so many years now.. but though we broke up, that moment is still one of the most special ones of my life.

vivy: realy memorable
dear all,i could rmber dat faithfulday while i was talking with my bf, he was just holding my hands and looking straight into my eyes the nxt thing i heard him say was ' ' i ve longed 4 this' ' and then he planted a warmth kiss on my lips. gosh! it was realy memorable

#This one is Deep
Vijubala unforgettable day of my LOVE LIFE!!! 

Dear friends,I am Vijubala. Just I wanted to share the sweet memoirs of my marriage . We are married for close to 6 yrs.My hubby Bala & me belong to the same town near trichy called Karur.He is a development manager in a SW firm called i2.We had an arranged cum love marriage!!.

After he came to see me (arranged by my parents on nov 10th 2001),v fell in love for the first sight.My parents allowed him to talk with me & we started talking nearly for half an hour ending up with others getting impatient,nearly four times my MIL came to the room in which we were talking to remind him to leave,but he was not at all in a mood to leave.Then he left ,but I felt in my heart he is my man.After that,our engagement date was fixed & it was on 20th of jan,02.He called me on 26th of nov'01 ,from Bombay(he was there for a project for a year).He called me around 11:00 am.I was so excited that he called me,but my petty brain started to calculate Oh!! he is calling me from a long distance at this time,the meter reading will run,I am losing my money(even b'fore marriage I thought in this way,how stingy am I).So we talked for some 15mins(that's not less)but I told him"STD bill may go high,so you call me after 8:30 pm.By this time my parents decided that not to allow us till our engagement is over.That night he called me & met with a big disappintment.My dad allowed me to talk only a few words,snatched the receiver from me(daddy too bad on ur part)& told him that we can talk after engagement.

So till jan 20th we had not talked with each other.He had wrote in a memories note book how he spent these two months without talking with me,managing with work with the thoughts of me disturbing him,gifted this book,with a titan watch,apair of cuddly teddies(cho chweet...) to me for valentine's day(14th feb 02,by this time we were engaged).Still we treasure that note book.But he sent a card to me stating how he felt very happy abt meeting me,feeling proud to have me in his life.Thanx to my dad,he allowed me to reply to this card.I sent a new yr wish,advance B'day wish since his B'day is on 18th jan.In the mean time I was cursing my sis(B'coz she only induced my parents' for not allowing me to talk with him)& was passing time in his thoughts.At times I used to take his photo(courtesy:my in-laws) & kiss him so hard (^ . ^).Too pity on the photographBig Laughthat only knows the count.WE both did'nt realise that we had fallen in love.At last the glorious day came.

He returned from Bombay to B'lore & came to see me on his B'day(2 days before our engagement)but with my SIL,her husband.He brought a bouquet of bright red roses,a whole box of ferrero rocher chocolates,carried it without leaving it down even for a sec,without sleeping for the whole night in the train & gave me.Still I endear that moment close to my heart.Still my SIL mocks at me saying"anni,my brother had bought flowers & handed it to U safely without crushing them,so U can't blame him saying he is not buying even a cubit of flowers for me,for ur whole life time".Then our marriage was fixed on 24th mar'02.Again 3 more months gap.So we were allowed to talk .But again he had to start work in b'lore,from the next day .So thereon almost everyday he used to call me.

At times even thrice for a day.Every weekend he used to come to see me.My in-laws were furiated(b'coz b'fore that he was not coming to our native even for Diwali,to stay with them).But he never mind any thing & we were flying high on our love.He contd to come & see me.(courtesy:my parents,allowed us to talk in privacy).He used to write letters,send cards very often,I too sent atleast one for a week,besides talking everyday even for 2 hrs at times.Now he warned me not to talk abt STDmeter running.I collected all Ilaiyaraja songs(I am an ardent fan of him),esp. "om namaha" from "idhayathai thirudathe",I confessed my love thru this song,"YES I LOVE THIS IDIOT,I LOVE THIs LOVABLE IDIOT,kadhal kavithaigal padithidum neram" from Gopura vasalile.I put the cassette in my walk man,plugged the head phone into his ears in front of my mom & played the song.Still the smile he made on hearing it with embarassment,joy,love for me ,it was an expression of mixed feeling & I adore it even today.

He is a nice verse writer.So we were in troubled pleasure.Yes love is a troubled -pleasure.It's pleasure whenever ur love is around & it is a trouble making u feel the pangs of seperation when ur sweetheart is away.We both experienced it.Then we went to purchase our wedding silks at trichy on 23rd of feb with my family & his parents.My SIL had just then delivered her second baby(son).So she stayed home.But was not in a good mood,b'coz 22nd was her b'day.Even I had called her & wished her.But Bala forgot it in thoughts of me.22nd night he had called but not to wish her but to remind her to buy & have head & shoulders shampoo for the morning bath,as to groom him well for our shopping at trichy.My SIL even till this day play pranks at me saying "my brother forgot to wish me on my b'day,in memories of U,which he had never done b'fore in the past" .Then we both walked hand in hand,he whole day.Went all around N.S.B road,buying sarees,dress materials for us & family.Even the sales guys at the counter(courtesy:Laxmi silks trichy) were not believing that we r yet to b married sweet for them,that we were so close b'fore marriage

Thanx to both of our parents.It was the unforgettable day of my LOVE LIFE!!!-23rd of feb'02.YES the day of our First (CENSORED)I am ablushed.Then we came back home.At times I used to laugh at the movies showing the lovers smiling themselves alone.But that day I myself did the same.

My SIL(sister in law) called me & was asking "anni,wat did u do yesterday,anna is continuosly smiling to himself without saying the reason,something is fishy",she started teasing us.ALAS!!!! my parents also got some suspicion.SO AGAIN A 144 FOR US NOT TO TALK IN THE PHONESo again we had to stay apart without talking,meeting .But this time it was even more painful than the first time.He had sent a card & a verse with it.still it is evergreen in my thoughts.I wish to quote it here. 

its in Tamil sorry , 
Even today he calls me KANNAMMA..& I too.Finally the day of our marriage came.We were engaged in wedlock.We went to Shimla kulu,manali for our honeymoon.So now we are couples made for each other,with a loving daughter of 6yrs young(3rd feb'03,is her D.O.B).So I dedicate this post to my loving hubby& daughter for her B'day.Thanx to all the loving ladies here for taking time to read my love life.

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Tags : First Kiss India, First Kiss in girls Life India, First kiss Experience India , Love Experiences India, Romantic kisses , Romantic Stories India,
